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About Us

The Ambitious Academy is a community-based program that has been created to provide alternative methods of mentoring, education, and personal development to the youth of today. Our purpose is to help develop and improve the lives of young individuals by helping develop their self-confidence and self-esteem, while they study a skill or subject that enhances their chances of finding and keeping a job and/or setting up their own business installing a positive and ambitious mindset.


Our team directly engages youth with long-term mentoring, communicating in a way they can relate to. We intend on connecting young individuals to professionals and organizations, in order to help them to focus on personal development and provide knowledge on effective ways to generate income.


Our project is based on our understanding of young people. We work to ensure that youth striving for a better future avoid becoming victims of Violence and The Prison System. We do this by changing perspectives and aiding them in achieving their personal vision of success. Within our local area we have recognized a variety of needs that require immediate attention. We believe that investment of time and resources within the community, will aid social development by creating pathways to training and employment for the youths.


Our Aims & Methods:

Our main aim is to support young people by helping them commit to developing their self-confidence and self-esteem while studying a skill or subject that enhances their chances of finding and keeping a job and/or setting up their own business.


Another primary aim of our activities is to offer a safe and inspiring work environment in which our targets can plan their futures, engage in team-based activity and seek achievement. Positive peer pressure, motivation, and specialist knowledge will be shared among our group to break the cycle of unemployment and anti-social behavior. We see a lack of guidance and role models as a defining factor in the production of youth, unaware of opportunities available and vulnerable to negative choices and lifestyles

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